Legal Issues of Cybersecurity and Data Breach Response
Yahoo’s Warning to GCs: Your Job Description Just Expanded (Big-Time), by David Fontaine and John Reed Stark (March 2017)
Is Amazon Liable for the Capital One Hack?, by (John Reed Stark, September, 2019)
Capital One, Amazon Can't Escape Suit Over 2019 Data Breach Law 360 (November 2019)
The Equifax and SEC Data Breaches: Takeaways, Reminders & Caveats, by John Reed Stark (September 2017)
Data Breach Forensic Reports: Keeping a Grail Document Confidential, by John Reed Stark (July, 2020)
Privilege Lessons From Clark Hill Cybersecurity Doc Ruling, by Doug Meal, Michelle visor and David Cohen (January, 2021)
Wengui v. Clark Hill Plc, Civil Action No. 2019-3195 (D.D.C. 2020)
Some Good News for the Cybersecurity Bar, by John Reed Stark (September, 2019)
A Ransomware OFAC Due Diligence Checklist, by John Reed Stark (January, 2021)
Garmin Facing US Probe Over Payments To Terrorists Via Third Party After Cyber Attack (Channel News, August 5, 2020)
OFAC Advisory on Potential Sanctions Risks for Facilitating Ransomware Payments (October 2020)
SEC "Outsider Trading" Enforcement: The Silence is Deafening, by John Reed Stark (October, 2018)
SEC Brings Charges in EDGAR Hacking Case (January, 2019)
Foreign National and American Trader Settle Fraud Charges in EDGAR Hacking Case, (April, 2020)
What the Capital One Hack Means for Boards of Directors by John Reed Stark (The Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, 2019)
Here’s what went wrong for Equifax in those first 48 hours, by John Carlin and David Newman (September, 2017)
Don't Rush to Judgment on Election Cyber-Attack Attribution, Law 360 (October 21, 2020)